Archive for Tag: care of the elderly company in nigeria

Bluegate Homecare Services…. subsidiary of Bluegate Healthcare Agency.

Best home care nursing and medical agency in Nigeria. We deploy well trained home care nurses/caregivers to your homes….. Visit our website; Call;07060851423 Or 2348025752474

After Hospital Discharge Home Care Nursing Services

After Hospital Discharge Home Care Nursing Services

After Hospital Discharge Home Care Nursing Services Our hope after being admitted to hospital is to be discharged home after treatment and then look forward to recuperating in our homes, on our bed, where we feel more comfortable.That is why after hospital discharge home...

Tips when Caring for Aged/Elderly People

Below are tips when caring for aged/elderly people: 1.Strike up a conversation As humans, it is essential that we interact meaningfully with one another. As nurses, therapeutic communication is a must when providing care. The elderly population, may be lacking and in great need...

Home care nursing service for diabetic foot patient

Home care for Diabetic foot. DIABETES FOOT CARE Diabetes is a disease that stops a person from making enough insulin to control glucose levels. The disease can cause foot problems. Diabetes can cause nerve damage. It also can cause narrowing of the blood vessels in...

Home care for Parkinsonism patients.  

Homecare services for parkinson patient in Lagos or any part of Nigeria at Bluegate Homecare Nursing Services. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects your movement. It develops gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one...


24 hrs live in home care nursing service in Lagos,Nigeria

Independence is something we can take for granted, but for many it’s something to be cherished. At Bluegate homecare services, we offer 24 hrs a day live in home care nursing service in Lagos,Nigeria, we provide daily, around the clock, at home nursing support...

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